Terms and Conditions of Participation

We are a Singapore-incorporated company whose primary business is to gather data to promote and market products and services offered by sponsors and clients, has the following terms and conditions for the Online Survey Giveaway.


To be eligible for the Giveaway, participants must complete the following information on the Organizer's official website:

  • Full first and last name;
  • Contact information, such as email addresses
  • Contact information.

Participants must provide accurate, complete, and authentic information when registering for the Giveaway to be eligible for a prize. If incorrect, incomplete, or inaccurate information is found, participants will be disqualified from the Giveaway.

Eligibility for the Giveaway

There are no restrictions on who can participate in the Giveaway as long as they are 18 years old and in Singapore.

Participants also agree to be bound by the official rules, guidelines, and decisions of the Organizer and its partners.

The Organizer's Survey must be completed and the Registration Details in Section 1 for participants eligible for the Giveaway (1).

Additional Requirements for Participation

There will be no physical prizes to be given away. Participants in the Giveaway are not required to purchase anything, use anything other than gratuitous services, or pay any charges or user fees to the Organizer or other organizations involved in the Giveaway's organization to participate.

  • It is completely optional to participate in the Giveaway.
  • It is understood that the Organizer is not responsible for contributions that are incomplete, illegible or invalid; corrupted; misdirected; lost; delayed; or that are unable to be transmitted or published as a result of problems with the transmission medium, or for any other reason.
  • There is a cap on the number of Giveaway entries a Participant can submit. Each survey theme allows participants to participate only once.

The Giveaway's Specifics and Procedures

A successful online or offline meetup and discussions with the Organizer's partners will be required to qualify for the Give-away.

Policy on Confidentiality and Access to Information

Participants acknowledge and agree to the terms of the Organizer's privacy policy when they submit personal information to the Organizer. Unless you agree to the policy's terms, please do not submit any personal information. For more information on the Organizer's privacy policies, click on the relevant link on this page.

Aspects of litigation and responsibility

The Internet, external telephone lines, and/or other participants and/or third parties' hardware and/software are not the responsibility of the Organizer or sponsors, nor are they responsible for any email or data loss, lateness, postponement, modification, manipulation, and/or misdirection during data entry or logging and/or storage caused by external data networks (specifically the Internet or the World Wide Web), outer telephone lines and/or other participants and/or third parties' hardware and/software. Emails or data sent through the Organizer's website that do not meet the system's specifications will be rejected. The Organizer is not accountable for this.

As a result, the Organizer and sponsors are not liable for any loss or damage that participants or their families may suffer as a result of using the Giveaway, including but not limited to: theft or destruction of systems that store the data and/or storage media; unauthorized modification and/or manipulation of data in systems and/or storage media; or any loss or damage that participants or their families may suffer as a result of using the Giveaway.

Links to Other Websites

Although links to third-party websites and web pages may appear on the Organizer's sites, they take no responsibility for their content. Links to other sites or pages do not imply endorsement, approval, or agreement by the Organizer with the information shared on those sites or pages or with any of the products or services offered on those linked sites or pages. Any loss or damage resulting from the use of this information, goods, or services will not be made up by the Organizer.

Law and jurisdiction that apply

It is governed by Singapore law.In a dispute arising from these Terms and Conditions of Participation, the parties agree to submit it to the Singapore courts for resolution.

Entrants confirm that they have read and agree to these Official Rules by entering the Giveaway.These Participation Terms and Conditions may be changed at any time without notice to Participants. The organizer reserves this right.

There shall be no effect on the enforceability or validity whatsoever of the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions of Participation, which shall remain in full force and effect if any provision hereof is found to be unenforceable under applicable law.

Rights to Intellectual Property

Copyright, trademarks, and other types of intellectual property rights protect the contents of this website, including the information and any software programmes made available on or through this website. All rights, titles, and interests in and to the Contents are owned, licenced, or controlled by the Company.


Without the Company's prior written consent, no part of the Contents of this website may be copied without the prior written permission of the Company, unless otherwise specified.

It would be an infringement of the Company's copyright and other intellectual property rights to modify or use the Contents in any other way. It is illegal to duplicate or appropriate any of the graphics or images on this website without the express permission of the respective copyright owners.

Because of intellectual property and other legal restrictions, you may not duplicate or reproduce any part of the design or layout of this website. No logo, graphic, sound, picture, text, or other content from this website may be copied, duplicated, or transmitted without prior written consent from the Company.